Baptism is a wonderful experience of obedience to the Word of God!  Jesus Himself not only commanded baptism, but He commended it.  As Jesus was baptized, the heavens opened up and God said that He was well pleased.   Baptism was the last subject He talked about while on this earth and it was the first subject that the early church spoke of in the Book of Acts!  

The Bible says that baptism is the answer of a good conscience toward God (1 Peter 3:21).  Genuine repentance and a desire to follow God demands obedience to His instruction.  Acts 2:41 says that those who gladly received Peter’s words were baptized. 

Baptism symbolizes the end or burial of our old life!  When we rise from the waters of baptism, it is the start of a new day … it is the beginning of our lives as brand new creatures in Christ Jesus!

Because Jesus placed such importance on baptism, we do as well.  This is why we make water baptism available at the end of every church service at Livingway.  We are ready to help you start a new chapter of your life!